

andrea clark casting was founded in 2006. since then andrea has worked on award-winning feature films, commercials and short films. she also casts a variety of other projects including video games, corporate films and new media content.

andrea cast THE BELLWETHER, “the world’s first English language one-woman feature film” starring ALEX RIED, and was casting consultant on BAFTA winning LATE SHIFT.

she has worked major national and international commercial campaigns, including MCDONALDS, LENOVO, HUAWEI and JOHN LEWIS.

prior to setting up her own company, andrea co-cast the acclaimed feature films including DOG SOLDIERS, KEEPING MUM and THE THIEF LORD, which starred a young GEORGE MACKAY and AARON TAYLOR-JOHNSON. as an associate casting director, she collaborated on the casting of blockbusters including HELLBOY, BLADE II and HIDALGO. she was also part of the casting team on MTV’S ground-breaking reality programme THE REAL WORLD.

andrea entered the industry in 1991 as an assistant casting director for DAVIS & ZIMMERMANN and learnt her trade working with internationally renowned directors including JOHN SCHLESINGER, SIR PETER HALL, BLAKE EDWARDS and FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI.

andrea was on the board of the casting directors association for 5 years, stepping down in 2022. she is a member of BAFTA and the casting directors guild.

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March 8th, 2021|

During January and February 2021, we raised £425 for charity via zoom 1-2-1s and self-tape reviews. Thank you so much [...]


telephone: +44 (0)7885 536815 email:

please email andrea to request a copy of andrea clark casting‘s full cv, child protection policy or andrea’s dbs certificate.